What’s Your Garden Style? Find Out Now! • The Garden Glove

Want to know just what kind of garden style is right for you? Well we decided to create a nice little quiz that we can give to our readers to help figure it out!  Learn what style you really want, and tips on how to make it happen in your garden!




Take the Garden Style Quiz


Q. You have just won your choice of fabulous vacations at an exotic locale. The choice of where you go is up to you! You choose to relax at:

A. A cozy mountain cabin with just you and nature.

B. A tropical resort on the beach at St. Bart’s.

C. A tour of the English countryside.

D. The Four Seasons in the heart of Paris.


Q. The most extensive garden center in the world is opening a store in your area. During their huge grand opening sale, you have $50 to spend. You choose to buy:

A. A native shrub to bring the birds and the butterflies into your garden.

B. Architectural ornamental grasses.

C. A collection of flower starts in different colors and sizes, just to try something fun and new.

D. Two Terra Cotta containers to place on either side of your front door.


Q. Your idea of a relaxing weekend afternoon consists of:

A. Picnicking in the park. And of course, you make all the food yourself!

B. Dinner at an ethnic restaurant.

C. Staying at home and watching movies you’ve seen a dozen times.

D. Attending a wine tasting at the local art gallery.


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Q. Someone at a party asks you what your favorite home decor style is. You respond:

A. Something for real people!

B. Minimal, clean and simple.

C. Styles? Do I have to pick just one?

D. I love the styles you see in celebrities homes.


Q. Your sister just bought her dream home. As a housewarming gift, you get her:

A. Pillows you made from pretty curtains you bought at a flea market.

B. A book on Eichler home design.

C. A Tuscan style pasta bowl.

D. Ralph Lauren sheets and silk pillowcases.


If Your Answers Were…

Mostly A’s

Your garden style is Nature Lovers Garden. You love to enjoy nature to it’s fullest, and are always remembering to “smell the roses”. You enjoy the challenge and the expression of creativity you get while enjoying your own piece of wilderness, whether you have twenty acres or a balcony garden. The trick to pulling together gardens with a naturalistic feel is to have a unifying theme. Try to identify the feeling you want to have in the garden, then choose a theme based upon that feeling. Perhaps its nothing more than a blue and white color scheme, or a woodland oasis. A mecca for birds, or celebrate water. Try to use native plants where they fit, and don’t feel like you have to stick to traditional rules for foundation plantings. Tour a park or wilderness area you love, and take ideas from Mother Nature herself!


Mostly B’s

Your style is Modern Garden. Modern garden lovers know what they want, and nothing less will do! With this garden style actually less, is exactly what will do, because this style is all about “less is more”. Stay simple. Choose just a few colors and types of plants, and repeat them. Use plants to bring attention to hard-scaping. Keep in mind that form and texture are more important than color in this garden. A modern garden can be just as beautiful as the most flower filled space, and offers a tranquil respite from our busy lives. Photo from Houzz.

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Mostly C’s

Your garden style is Country Garden. You love the informal, and have an appreciation for things with history. You have a deep love for many different kinds of plants. It’s hard for you to choose between them, so you have a little of everything! Pick a color or plant to repeat throughout the garden.. That way you can make sure your garden beds feel unified, even with a large variety. Enjoy learning! Realize that if you choose a plant combination or color scheme that doesn’t work, you can change it. Be fearless. Country gardens are informal in nature, and allow for a lot of experimentation. Photo from Houzz.


Mostly D’s

Your style is Formal Garden. You love a more formal, luxurious feel in your garden. Hedges and statuary speak to you, and art has a significant place in your yard. Try to use symmetrical plantings to create a more formal feel… in other words, whats on one side of the yard, repeat on the other. With this garden style, straight lines, paths and rectangular beds are what you are looking for. Make sure you include a water feature, and think of the Trevi Fountain each time you spend time in your garden!

Formal gardensFormal gardens

Obviously there are many more refined styles to pick from like, northwest garden, coastal garden, japanese garden, urban garden and on and on! We hope you enjoyed this post! What was your garden style? Comment and let us know!  You might be interested in our post Desert Garden and Landscape Ideas or check out our post Backyard Ideas on a Budget – Spruce Up Your Garden on our sister site TBD.

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